When it comes to dabbing, an E-nail is a must have for anyone serious about their dabs. E-nails eliminate the need for a butane torch by using temperature-sensing technology to heat and maintain your nail at your desired temperature. This allows you to control exactly how hot your nail is and avoid the burns that many beginners experience with analog nails. The ability to select your desired temperature also means you can enjoy low-temperature dabs, which are less harsh on the throat and lungs.
An e-nail uses a power cord and controller box to connect to a heating element that wraps around the nail. You can find a wide variety of e-nails available, from desktop models to portable all-in-one rigs. Some e-nails even have an LCD screen that indicates the exact temperature the nail is at, allowing you to choose your perfect setting for the most flavorful and effective hits.
The best e-nails are made of one of three materials: titanium, ceramic, and quartz. Titanium is the most common because it is cheap, durable, and provides a consistent, smooth hit. However, it can have a metallic aftertaste that some users dislike. If you’re looking for a smoother taste, ceramic or quartz nails are better options. The best e-nails have a ceramic or quartz surface that’s designed to absorb the most vapor possible, resulting in the purest hits.
Most e-nails come with a glass water filtration piece that can be filled with water. As vapor from your concentrate passes through the water it is cooled, which results in a smoother and more flavorful hit. Some e-nails also feature a carb cap, which restricts airflow and allows you to ‘brew’ your concentrates for a longer period of time.
While an e-nail is more expensive than a regular nail, it pays for itself in time and efficiency. You can take multiple dabs in the same amount of time it takes to heat up your nail with a butane torch, and you can switch between temperatures more frequently than with a traditional nail.
For those who have never used an e-nail before, the process is easy and intuitive. First, poke a small piece of wax or resin from your concentrates into the nail (not too much, though — a size about the size of a BB is sufficient). Next, place the nail in the e-nail and press on the power button to turn it on. When the nail is at your preferred temperature, you can begin to dunk. It’s a little bit different from using a regular nail, but once you get the hang of it you’ll wonder how you ever got by without an e-nail! Be sure to clean your nail and e-nail after each use. If you’re not careful you may accidentally combust your concentrates, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness and flavor of your dabs. You can clean your nail with rubbing alcohol, but be sure to let the nail completely cool down before touching it again.