Apart from seeking medical help, informing local authorities like the police could be very helpful in many truck accident cases. Often, truck accident victims neglect to notify the local authorities, leaving them in unfavorable situations. The situations include encountering a rejected claim from the insurance company or getting denied compensation from the defendant.
In such cases, contacting an atlanta trucking wreck attorney would be a vital factor. There are many reasons to contact local authorities after being a victim of an accident. Most of these reasons could provide benefits to the victim and the defendant and minimize severe damages or injuries to the case. Here are some key takeaways about calling local authorities after a truck accident.
1. Claim
In most truck accident cases, insurance companies may try their best to diminish the claim value of the victim. Insurance companies want to spend as little as possible to cover the damages. When a victim informs local authorities about the accident, they can use the incident report to claim the damages.
2. Compensation
The victim may likely be offered compensation from the defendant. The settlement could cover the injuries to the victim and any other damages caused to the vehicle or other entities. However, without involving the police, it could become challenging to demand fair compensation from the defendant.
The defendant may deny paying compensation by stating the accident as a false occupation if there is no proof of the accident. Hence it would be in your best interest to involve local authorities when you face a truck accident.
3. Evidence
Evidence is a vital part of any legal case. When the victim decides to pursue the case in court, they must present evidence to justify their claim. The first evidence in a truck accident case would be the police or accident report. Without the return report from the local authorities, the defendant or the court may assume that evidence is insufficient. Insufficient evidence would only lead the victim to a rejected claim, unfair compensation, and pursue the accident case.
4. Complications
After a truck accident case, involving local authorities could eliminate many legal and nonlegal complications. For instance, the victim might get neglected health and medical care.
However, the involvement of the local authorities would help the victim attain proper medical care.
The victim could also contact a truck accident attorney in Atlanta if they face any trouble. Apart from the medical help, the victim can also ask their attorney to care for complicated legal matters involving paperwork and filing a claim.