A homeowner’s association (HOA) is an organization that sets and enforces rules for the homeowners in a planned community or subdivision. If you have purchased any property where HOA exists, you become a member of it. Although there are several advantages of HOAs, there are also many disadvantages.
Disputes between homeowners and their HOAs are common because of reasons such as high fees, inefficient management, and restrictive rules. If you are a homeowner that has a disagreement with their HOA, consult an experienced real estate transaction attorney in Monroe, NC.
Here are a Few Steps you Should Take.
o Contact a real estate attorney.
Your fight with the HOA may not be successful if you do not have the right expertise and knowledge. The presence of a strong legal advocate on your side can benefit you significantly. They assess your case and ensure that your legal rights are protected. They also help you understand the HOA’s regulations and what legal action you can pursue against them.
o Do your research.
Be prepared before you take any action against the HOA. Understand the rules they have implemented and research the regulations pertaining to your case in-depth. Attend meetings they organize and update yourself with any changes in rules that could affect your case. Be aware of your rights as a homeowner. Gather any necessary documentation and document all your interactions with the HOA regarding your complaint since the start.
o Try to resolve the issue within the HOA.
Write a letter to the HOA stating your complaint and attach the required documents. Discuss the issue with your neighbors and submit a petition to request a hearing with their support if they agree with your objection. The HOA may allow mediation to resolve the conflict and reach a mutually beneficial agreement. Ensure that you do not stop paying your dues during the fight.
o File a lawsuit.
Depending on the nature and type of your conflict, determine whether you can file a lawsuit against the HOA. For example, if your HOA discriminates against you, you can challenge them in court. Your lawyer reviews your complaint and the HOA regulations to ensure that you have valid grounds to take legal action. They provide you with the legal representation you need in court.
Your real estate lawyer in Monroe understands how distressing a conflict with the HOA can be. They help you take the appropriate steps to resolve the dispute and attain a successful outcome.