Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

If you are looking for a way to cheat at online poker, read this article. You will learn about the methods and tricks used by cheaters, and you will learn how to protect yourself if you are cheated. Cheating is a very common practice, and there are many ways to do it. Tricks to cheating at online poker There are several different methods of cheating at online poker. Some people attempt to ghost other players, while others collude with other players to make huge financial gains. Ghosting is an example of this method and occurs when a good player takes…

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According to the TIOBE index, Python is the number one programming language as of August 2022. In many ways, its prevalence is explained by the fact that almost any app can be written in it, from simple web platforms to complex machine learning and artificial intelligence solutions. Python allowed people to discover such excellent platforms as Instagram, Netflix, and Spotify. Let’s talk about seven interesting Python apps that every user should know about. Vega Strike interactive game Python is actively used in the development of interactive games. The internal scripts of the space combat simulator Vega Strike are written in…

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Your website is the forehead of your business, regardless of its type. Nowadays, people’s initial judgment about a business reputation pretty much depends on how impressive the business website is. Thus, having an impressive website is necessary for all businesses of any type these days. Now, we would like to talk about how to build an impressive corporate website. Corporate website categorizes under informational website category. Informational website is about providing comprehensive information to relevant audiences about the available products and services to be supplied through the website owner. However, the actual purchasing transaction accomplishes offline, due to the nature…

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It has been an interesting year in digital marketing thus far. As we have sought to turn the page on COVID and get back to life as normal, 2022 has had its ups and downs. Even more reason for digital marketers to stay the course and keep their eye on the prize. For better or worse, COVID has left the world a different place. That means how we market must adapt to some degree. With that in mind, Salt Lake City’s Webtek Digital Marketing Agency suggests digital marketers focus on the following five digital marketing trends to close out the year:…

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Introduction Your business is ready to take the next step, but it’s not always easy to know how to do that. You want your business to grow, but sometimes it feels like there are hurdles or barriers in the way. The tips below will help you break down those barriers and improve your business so that you can take it from good to great! Be a Leader Being a leader is not a title or position; it’s a mindset and a skill that you can learn. Leadership is about choice, journey, responsibility, privilege and commitment. Your leadership journey will be…

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The mining industry is seeing massive shifts in how mines are run and operated by innovations and new technology. The push for a more economical and stable mining sector within Australia has become more prevalent over the last few years, thanks to a number of reasons. New innovations include reducing environmental impact, the digitisation of data, and the rise of autonomation. These innovations and more are improving Australia’s mining sector and the economy as a whole, providing higher efficiency, safety and increased profit. Automation and machine learning So, what is automation? In short, it’s is the operation and self-governing of…

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One of the side effects of getting older is that fine lines start creeping across your face. In some instances, these fine lines are accompanied by thinning lips that start losing their natural shape. Regrettably, there’s nothing you can do to stop the ageing process. However, thanks to advancements in modern cosmetic treatments you can use some of the lip filler Perth residents are relying on to look their best despite the ageing process. Put the Sparkle Back in Your Lips Lip fillers, or dermal fillers as they’re also known, are injectables that are mostly used to treat lip lines…

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Call it your man cave, den, escape hole or retreat, you need to fill it with the ultimate must-haves for those times you disappear out of sight for a while! Or, for when your buddies come around for a game of pool or pinball. Whatever purpose your man cave serves, having the right equipment, décor and furniture turns your sanctuary into the coolest spot to be! Whether you’re searching for the funkiest bar fridges for sale, pinball or arcade machines, you’ll find quality options, thanks to it being a popular niche. Let’s discover some of the most favourite items you…

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If you manage a hotel, own an Airbnb, or rent out rooms for short-term or long-term guests, aesthetics is everything. When it’s time to spruce it up a bit, there is a dynamic list of ‘to-dos’ that will help you make it look fresh and stylish and inviting again. Sometimes hotel refurbishment can seem challenging, but you simply need the right approach. There are a few considerations before you begin, such as whether the market demands an upgrade. You do need to move with the times. Or, if you find that your guest numbers aren’t as high as it was…

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