Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

YouTube is a popular online destination, gathering more than a billion views each day. Brands, businesses and those who are looking to make money should definitely put more effort in growing their YouTube channel. The key aspect to being successful on YouTube is views, but how can you get more of them? Start with a Crowd People may hesitate to watch a YouTube video that only has a couple of views. To get over this hurdle you can buy YouTube views to bolster visitor confidence and get the ball rolling. It’s a snowball effect from there- people will want to…

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Keywords are an important part of SEO. Target the right keywords effectively and you have a chance of achieving those all-important first page rankings on search engines such as Google. But how do you know which keywords to target? It’s always a good idea to find Search Engine Optimization services to perform keyword research if you’re new to SEO. After, they’re the experts in the field. However, if you’re looking to have a go at keyword research yourself, here’s some handy tips to follow. Step one: List topics important to your business First things first, write a list of topics…

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With most services shifting to the virtual realm, it is inherent to wide web users to have measures in place to guarantee maximum protection. Hackers and scammers on the internet are perfecting their skill with each wake making it a challenge for other people to protect their data and information. Banking, gaming, shopping, and healthcare services are among the common services that people get online. When gaming in or any other online casino, the gamer must be careful since we have some rogue establishments that lack proper encryption technology. All these involve the sharing of sensitive information that ought…

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Fat often makes us think about the areas of our bodies we want to trim. Despite this, body fat plays a critical step in the burning and storage of calories. It releases hormones that control our metabolism while storing excess calories until we need them. However, fat can do far more than just that. The transfer of fat can treat and heal issues within the human body. This technique was discovered in the late 19th century, but has evolved over time. Unlike the old times, today doctors and specialists use high-end machinery to transfer fat from one part of the…

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There’s perhaps never been a better time to evaluate and discard outdated processes and procedures that drag down businesses. The COVID-19 pandemic brought a lot of losses, but it also allowed a wide variety of employers to perform a hard reset on everyday operations. While the impending death of the traditional office setting has likely been exaggerated, the elimination of inefficiencies must be a top priority. For many, this could represent a positive, business-revitalizing outcome. Of course, the trend toward automation has been underway for decades now. Businesses increasingly rely on everything from payroll software to document management systems to…

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There are many reasons that would necessitate getting your loved one specialized help. While you may wish to take care of your elderly, sick, or disabled loved one, it is not always possible to be with them 24/7 without sacrificing something in your life. That is usually the primary reason most people consider putting their loved ones who need specialized care in nursing homes. While this may help solve many of your problems, it comes with some underlying demerits. Demerits of putting your loved one in a nursing home Unless your loved one requires 24/7 care, particularly medical care, there…

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We all love to spend our time with loved ones and friends, engaging in some of our favorite activities. Whether you are all about unwinding on a night out with friends or spending some quality time with your kids, everyone can find some sort of activity that brings people together and creates some fantastic memories. One of the best ways to bring people together and have fun is by attending one of the annual festivals held in your city or neighboring town. If you ever participated at local events in your hometown, you probably had a lot of fun meeting…

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Are you finding yourself wondering about what is the spot the ball game? Or how can you play spot the ball game with ease? Then, you are definitely in the right place. Here we will let you know everything about how to play spot the ball in the most straightforward possible manner. So, here we go: What is spot the ball game? Spot the Ball game is based on a simple concept. In this game, a football has been removed from the picture of a match. All you need to do is to determine where the ball was before it…

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In June 2020, New South Wales made changes to their Work Health and Safety Act specifically around the cover of insurance, and Western Australia has followed suit. The changes largely relate to insurance policies that currently cover against fines and penalties for Work Health and Safety offences, and so various classes of insurance may be impacted by the amendments. Read on to make sure you understand the changes, and how it may affect your business and your class of insurance. Redefining ‘employees’ As part of the amendments being made to the WA Act, the people that are included under the…

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