Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

No matter how ‘easy and accessible’ games are now there’s always going to be a learning curve. First time gamers who want to get their feet wet and try the best beginner-friendly games can look to these titles and genres. Casino Games of skill and luck don’t require a tutorial. The most popular ones are easy to pick up and play- you just place your bet and hope you win. Sites like 카지노사이트 provide an excellent platform for those who are looking for a quick in-and-out session. Sit down, relax and every round is a game that can reward you…

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Technology now allows service dog registration online. A service dog registration is needed for blind individuals and those who need vital assistance from a canine companion. The ADA, or Americans with Disabilities Act makes it easier than ever to register service dog. The question is, how to follow emotional support animal registration? And, what kind of service animals are allowed to get esa certification? Service Dog Registry It’s important to note that not all companions can get service animal registration. A service animal provides essential service for owners with mental, emotional or physical disability. According to the ADA, FHA and…

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When people are writing papers or articles, if they have to use some points or data from other published books or articles, they have to cite the books as a reference resource. There are three main styles that most people would use while they need to cite a textbook, which includes MLA, APA, and Chicago Manual of Style. MLA is mostly used in humanities and liberal arts writings, while APA would be adopted in education, psychology, or any other social sciences related subjects. In addition, the Chicago style will be mostly applied while people write articles or papers about business,…

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Did you know that approximately 85% of businesses use video marketing? According to a study conducted by Wyzol, 87% of businesses admit that using video as their primary marketing tool has increased traffic to their sites and helped them to popularize their brands. However, poor-quality videos will have an unimpressive return on investment. Your primary intention when making your video should be to evoke the emotions of the consumer, which helps them to remember your product vividly. As such, we recommend that you use a whiteboard video maker to make the best quality videos for your business. If you’re confused by…

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The new normal has opened up more online avenues than ever, including healthcare services such as therapy. Many providers now offer alternatives to in-person sessions in the form of virtual channels. The good thing is that most of us are comfortable with using the relevant technology such as smartphones and webcams. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your online therapy. 1. Prepare the Environment Going to a session usually equates a safe environment that’s prepared for you. Here, the room will be conducive to sharing one’s deepest emotions and thoughts. Part of professional therapy involves going through…

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When you are buying a car insurance policy, you will come across multiple options and products. But you must purchase car insurance coverage that suits your requirements well. You can select an insurance policy that is vehicle specific, driver-specific and also third party specific. The more the coverage provided by the insurance policy, the more the premium. Thus, it is recommended, to purchase a car insurance plan according to your requirements. Comprehensive Coverage: Comprehensive coverage is the best coverage that you can get from car insurance. It covers all kinds of risks associated with the vehicle, driver, passengers, third party…

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The COVID-19 pandemic will go down in history as the biggest economic disruption that no one saw coming. As we roll into the fourth quarter, the U.S. is bracing for a third wave of cases. The World Bank estimates that the virus could plunge the global economy into the deepest recession since World War II. Many people are calling the pandemic a “black swan” — an improbable, unpredictable event that carries a massive impact. The term was coined by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, and it certainly fits COVID-19. People look back at black-swan events and say they were predictable, but this…

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Putting a false location in Pokémon Go is possible, although it is not recommended. Through an application that can provide fake GPS location we can make our mobile believe that it is anywhere on the planet, which will help us to get a good number of pokémons in a very short time. What happens if I fake my location in Pokémon Go?The objective of Pokémon Go is that we have fun walking around the city and visiting new places to find the pokémon. It is therefore about that we move and interact with the environment. Precisely for this reason Niantic…

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For many, keeping WhatsApp conversations is important. Either because of work issues or because we want to have those lines that we share with loved ones. However, when we change mobile, the conversations do not come with us automatically. Let’s see how to do WhatsApp transfer from Android to iPhone, and vice versa. Create and restore a copy of WhatsApp in the cloudThere are a couple of ways to transfer our WhatsApp conversations from one mobile to another, including transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to Android, but this is the easiest and fastest if we do not change the operating system.…

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