Author: John Norwood

John Norwood is best known as a technology journalist, currently at Ziddu where he focuses on tech startups, companies, and products.

Augmented Reality games are booming and if we have to pinpoint the one that grabs the most attention, Pokemon GO is the answer. Pokemon GO is super fun but can also be very troublesome. Players must actually move around in their environment, which is simulated on the game screen as a quest for Pokemon. The problem comes when the situation does not allow for it, for example the neighborhood where the player lives is near a busy highway, or when it is raining heavily. In those situations, Pokemon GO is irrelevant to play. A solution is needed that allows a…

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One of the worst things to experience is pain while running, especially if you are an avid runner. As soon as you experience any pain while running, you should meet with a foot and ankle doctor in Phoenix to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan to get you back in your running shoes. First Step to Pain-Free Running First things first, find out what exactly triggers your pain! Is your foot? Your heel? Your ankle? It could be for many different reasons. The most common injury that causes running to be painful is plantar fasciitis, which is known as heel…

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Alopecia areata is characterised by the sudden onset of patchy hair loss.The extent of hair loss can vary greatly from a single coin sized patch to extensive alopecia involving the entire scalp and the rest of the body. Keep reading to find out more about this hair condition. Who gets alopecia areata? 40-50% of patients develop alopecia areata before 21 years of age, while 20% develop it after the age of 40. (Source: NCBI) Men and women are affected equally, and there is no well-defined racial preponderance. Around 20% of patients have a positive family history for the disease. (Source:…

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Cars have a large number of moving parts. They are all connected by micro switches. These microswitches function as sensors and turn on and off as needed. In automobiles, they are used in the door interlock system, seat belts, and seat detection. They also excel in electronic parking brakes, electronic steering column lock, engine zone interiors, convertible roofs, tank and hood latch detection, etc. Not only that, within the microswitch market, there are different types: monopolar, bipolar double throw, subminiature, ultra-miniature, general-purpose door interlock, and reset switches. The auto industry is evolving even further, given the shift to electric vehicles.…

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Businesses must be active in digital and social media platforms. Companies need to share information, offer expert advice, and convert potential clients. Currently, the trending technique for entities to market brands is through pod for LinkedIn. Read on to get an in-depth analysis of marketing your brand online and taking advantage of the online traffic. Businesses can Access a Global Audience LinkedIn can connect you to hundreds of millions of users internationally. It is the leading avenue for brands to offer insightful information to customers. The aim is to give exposure to the products and services that your business is…

Read More is set to appear in the US starting November this year. Widely considered as a leading online comparison site in Australia, MakesCents sets foot on US shores and does what it does best- compare Solar, Utilities, Electricity, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Personal Loans and Mortgages so you can save money. Makes Cents rose to fame in Australia by giving discerning consumers the best deals on life insurance by collaborating with tier 1 and 2 life policy companies. The website grew and so did its comparison options. In just a short time has been recognized as one of the…

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The bare necessities of online gaming is a stable internet connection and a device that can run the app or game. However, for those who want to experience the best of new tech has to offer, you’ll want to look at the following gadgets. Casino Gamer – VR Headset When it comes to playing online casino games it’s all about the immersion. And no gear is more immersive than a VR headset. It can connect to either a computer or a mobile phone, then stream the video onto a larger and more personal viewing area. Games like 카지노사이트 become more…

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Gaming transcends race, gender and age, and for this reason it’s become a global phenomenon. Sometimes it’s as easy as picking up a device and going from there. For others though, it can be a complicated matter of trying to find the game you like. Here are some tips on how you can make your first gaming session an enjoyable experience. Safety First In a typical online game setting, you will be playing with other people. Keep in mind that they are still strangers and as such, you shouldn’t share personal details with them. Treat a match like a real…

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This is an unprecedented time for everyone with travel restrictions and social distancing. This makes it more convenient to connect to friends and family members. The best way to feel connected with the people you love is to send a hamper basket as a Christmas gift. While sending the gift is a great gesture, it also serves as an important, valuable touchpoint to reiterate the value you offer to your loved ones. For many individuals, gifting has become standard practice, and the opportunity to forge strong bonds with people you love is too valuable to pass up. Hence, here are…

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