Every individual has a different purpose when using a credit card. Various kinds of credit cards are available in the market, like cards to pay your bills or for an excellent bargain while shopping. You must choose a card that caters to your lifestyle needs, provides considerable savings, and offers cashbacks and rewards.
Here is the list of beste kredittkort with significant benefits to make the right choice and save money on your transactions.
1. Santander Bank Free Credit Card
One of the first cards Santander Bank offered in the Norwegian Market was a fee-free VISA which started a trend of fee-free credit cards. The user must be 20 years or older and have an income of NOK 50,000 to avail of the credit card and its benefits. The card has no annual fee, and the credit period for the deferred payment is 50 days. For outstanding amounts of NOK 15,000, the effective interest rate is 23.41%.
The user can use the free VISA credit card by Santander Bank in all the VISA locations globally. You will receive selected discounts when shopping online with the card, and you will also receive travel insurance if you pay more than 50% of travel with your credit card. This card is affordable, with a maximum credit limit of NOK 100,00, and the user can shop, transfer and withdraw money without paying fees.
2. Resurs Gold Mastercard
Resurs Gold Mastercard, earlier known as Supreme Gold Card, is a flexible credit card in everyday life and provides travel insurance for the whole family. The card’s maximum credit limit is up to NOK 75,000 with an interest-free payment deferral of 60 days. The user must be 20 years or older, registered in Norway, and not have payment remarks to get a credit card from Resurs Bank.
The effective interest rate is 26.25% for 12 months on NOK 15,000. There is no need to pay an annual fee for the card; it is free worldwide. You also get access to travel and cancellation, inclusive of insurance. The Mastercard SecureCode makes it secure for credit card payments with SMS receipts.
3. Coop Mastercard
The Coop Mastercard is available to those above 18 with an income of a minimum of NOK 120.000. There is no requirement for an annual fee on the Coop Credit card, and you can extend the card’s limit upto 100,000. Depending on your purchases, you can get payment deferral for upto 45 days.
The user receives a purchase dividend with a 1.5% membership bonus on everything you purchase in Coop and 0.5% on other purchases. The effective interest rate is 26.17%, and you must be a Coop member to get this card. The registration fee for this costs around 300 kroner, and you will get travel insurance with this card if you pay 50% of the trip with the Coop Mastercard.

4. Santander Flexi Visa credit card
The Santander Bank provides credit cards with the option of discounts on Santander Flexi visas. It is available for people above the age of 20 having an income of at least 50,000. No annual fee is required, and you can extend the limit upto 100,000. Depending on your purchases, you can get the credit period for deferral up to 50 days.
The card is acceptable to all locations with VISA, and you can get the cashback on fuel, clothing, sports equipment, or airline tickets upto 4%. If you shop in the selected categories, you can save much money with this card. This card is flexible and can be combined with Trump cards and Bonus Cards. You will be charged if you do not use the card for upto 12 months.
5. Remember Black Credit Card
Enter card offers the Remember Black Credit Card, the best card in the market with competitive terms. The user must be above the age of 18 years to avail of this card; no requirement of income. The credit limit of the card is 150,000, and the time for deferral payment is 45 days. This card has no annual fee, so that you can use it without charge.
With this card, you will receive 5% cashback for the initial 100 days every time you shop with the card. Furthermore, you can get cashback upto 25% on selected websites using the Remember Black Credit Card. You get to travel and cancellation insurance if you pay 50% or more of the trip with the card.