Keep your kids entertained with these games, so they can have fun on the road on the way to your new home at Elta.
Counting Game
Playing the counting game is a good way to pass the time during the trip. Assign your child an item or object, then let them count each object that you pass by during the trip, like how many cows, how many red cars, or anything that you may see while driving, then they will keep track until you arrive at your destination.
Would You Rather
Would you rather is a game where you ask a person two questions, like “Would you rather stay in a haunted place for 30 minutes, or a house full of cockroaches for 30 minutes?” This lets your child develop thinking skills as they rack their brains while having fun by weighing out the question that was asked in would you rather and to see what is more convenient for the person or which choice they would dare make!
Alphabet Game
A game where you go through the alphabet by category, e.g. countries, things, or spot words that start with the letter A along the way, and then move on to the next letter of the alphabet until you finally reach the letter Z!
I Spy
I Spy is a game you can play anywhere. It’s about giving hints on what you are seeing and then letting the person you are playing with guess what you saw or are looking at, by stating “I spy with my little eye…”
Continue the Story
Start a story and keep passing it on to the next person to continue it. You never know how far or how chaotic the story you make during the trip can be with the unexpected plot twists and ideas your family members can add to the story. Keep passing around until you’ve all added something interesting until you reach a conclusion.