Most businesses are using video as a part of their marketing strategy. They’re using it to promote their products and services on their own websites, on social media, and through other methods such as in email. Why is this happening? Video is effective! And most people spend a lot of time on the web looking at videos.
So if you’re a small business, or even a large business, should you edit your own videos in-house or should you hire professional video editing services?
First, keep in mind that when a video is edited well, your audience won’t notice the editing. They’ll notice the story. Also, when a video is poorly edited, you’ll lose your audience in seconds. So, we can say confidently that professional editing can make a difference to your end result.
Let’s get right to it. A professional is always the optimal choice.
No matter what you’re creating, a professional editor can make the video look more professional. I hate to be redundant with my words, but that’s the truth. A good business oriented professional editor has years of experience taking raw footage and making it tell a store in a way that your clients can receive. Your clients will be watching the video rather than moving on.
When a video is non-professional in appearance, it says something about your company and your products and services. It creates a negative association. Of course, you’ll want to avoid this.
Professional editors know how to make edits that don’t distract from your message. They understand how to smooth shaky camera motions, color correct, get good sound, etc. A good professional editor can use special effects without it coming off as tacky or irritating.
If you hand off the editing to a professional, you won’t have to take the time to learn an editing program. Many people find that it’s worth the money.
Of course, if your budget really doesn’t allow for it, you may need to be a do-it-yourself person. It’s not as easy as it looks, and it can be time consuming. Yet that can be better than nothing if you really take the time to learn as much as you can about editing.
Where are you getting your video footage that will be used to edit?
Let’s talk about the video footage you’re using. This can make a difference.
Since the start of the pandemic, many companies have been shooting their own footage with their iPhones. This has become somewhat more acceptable to the public.
Of course, you can take the next step and edit your videos yourself. However, if you’re hoping to create a higher-quality video, you’ll absolutely want to use a professional editor in this case. While they can’t make your video footage look like it was professionally shot, there are some things they can do such as color and light adjustments. As mentioned above, if they have the right software, they can make the footage smoother.
Another option is to use stock footage.
Many people are turning to stock footage to reduce costs. Also, since Covid came about, this option reduces face to face time required on video shoots. Your editor will usually have access to a video library of professional video clips. The use of stock footage allows you to have a smooth and high-end looking video. You can purchase them yourself, but it tends to be more expensive that way. You can also mix your self-made video clips or photos into your business videos. This enables you to show your products and services specifically.
So, whether you’re shooting yourself or using stock footage, you might want to consider using a professional video editor to bring your project up a level or more. One company that can provide a highly experienced editor is Ball Media Innovations. They’re focused on working with businesses with all kinds of budgets.