SEO is a struggle that all businesses big and small face. Everyone wants to appear on the first page of Google, but it is not that simple. However, it is valuable thing. Our Simple SEO Tips for Hong Kong Businesses can help you get started on improving your search engine visibility. We know that 75% of web browsers don’t skip the first page of a Google search. So even if you are listed on page two (the hard task), you may never be seen by new leads and new customers.
There’s no shortage of information and we always recommend doing your research before spending big on SEO. Internet guides cite countless tips on how to improve SEO, although many of them are just speculation. One of the most frustrating things about trying to improve your
香港SEO is feeling powerless or not seeing the quantitative side of your efforts. In short, are your efforts moving the needle? In this WOI 101, there are some simple tips and tricks you can use to get your site to number one. While SEO is a ‘long game’ and requires consistency and commitment, we recommend everyone to start here.
SEO Tips for Doing Business in Hong Kong:
1. Keywords and Search Phrases
These are specific words that people search for based on their needs, for example, “Hong Kong PR Agency” or “Hong Kong PR Agency” Chicken Burger Hong Kong”. The goal is simply to align your content and website with the words and terms people are searching for. The keyword optimization in any article written on Google is probably the most important factor in the algorithm behind the search engines. Keywords are important because they give the search engine, usually Google, the context of your page and article or content. By letting search engine keywords work, it can better filter your article into more specific areas because it understands the topic.
2. Content Optimization
Google and other search engines rank it based on the credibility and usefulness of your page. While backlinks used to work on their own, they are no longer enough. Search engines need to know that users are spending time on your page, reading your content (another reason to write long, informative, quality copy).
3. Backlinks
While backlinks are no longer sufficient as a standalone SEO/reputation exercise, they are still essential for SEO. With search engines ranking websites based on their authority and trustworthiness, building a trustworthy backlink is actually a vote for your content in the algorithm. The more links you have from trusted sources, the more trustworthy your site will be and the higher it will rank.
4. Length and depth of relevant content
Studies by top consulting firms show that longer content like thought leadership articles and articles generate more backlinks 77 % against short content. However, your content must be fit for the purpose of the work.
For example, an article explaining something as simple as “how to turn on your phone” doesn’t need to be long – if it’s going to do its job. On the contrary, an article on how to build a solid phone would be much longer, as it requires depth to achieve its full purpose. Your content needs context so you can answer the query to the best of your ability. Again, keep the reader in mind, why are they looking for your content? Did your article answer their question? If not, correct it.
5. Images
Images are important to use in your content because again, they provide deeper context to your content. Including images in your content not only makes reading and interaction more enjoyable for users, but also signals to the algorithm that this is a well-informed article. However, it is very important not to use abusive images in your content as this can work against you and make your content appear generic and unconventional in the eyes of the algorithm.
6. Maximizing Return on Investment
Want to get the most out of your digital marketing strategy? One of the main reasons why SEO is so important in any digital marketing campaign is its ability to maximize results. In fact, even Google claims that the ROI using SEO is 5.4 times higher than paid advertising.
After all, the more your website is visible, the more people will visit it. If you can successfully market your products and services, it will lead to increased revenue and overall growth for your business.