When a business initiates a software application development project for mobile applications, it does so with the expectation that the launch of a mobile app will improve its business workflow for internal users or attract new customers in the consumer market. The Apple App Store and the Google Play Store provide access to millions of applications and this environment allows users (whether business or consumer) to download free or fee-based apps and use these apps on their mobile devices.
That access and the resulting user adoption and customer visibility will result in better business results – but only if the business plans well and chooses the right approach to mobile application development so that it can address its user, customer, access needs, security requirements, dependability and scalability needs and competitive goals of the organization.
In this article, we will discuss the types of mobile applications and the ways in which they can be used to achieve results.

Cross-Platform or Hybrid Mobile Applications
These applications are designed to satisfy access, user interface and security needs across the Apple iOS for iPhone, iPad and Apple Smart Watches, and the Android device domain. These applications are written, using one code so that access is seamless and upgrades are easier. Many applications today are developed using cross-platform and hybrid mobile app development environs, as this provides access to the most users and customers and comprehensive coverage of the market. Hybrid mobile applications use various development technologies and are based on Swift, Objective C, HTML5, ReactNative, and other foundations. This approach might be suitable for international applications or target markets that are likely to serve customers or users with more than one type of device, and the cross-platform approach will improve user adoption. It is also suitable in a situation where the business needs support for high performance, scalability, cross-platform device usability and a large volume of users.
Native Applications
These apps are designed to support only one type of operating system (Apple iOS or Android). Design and development for a native app is typically fast and easy since the development and testing process does not need to accommodate a one-stop solution approach. Because native apps are designed for a particular platform and operating system (OS), they can leverage all the capacity of that platform and accommodate the user experience (Ux), navigation and security issues using the tools included in the native development environment. The technology used for native application development is specific to the platform and may include Java, Kotlin, Python, Swift, Objective-C, C++, or React. The native approach is suitable for applications and target markets that are narrow and will include only one type of device provided to users by the business, or a particular device routinely used by consumers to access apps that target a special interest or use, for businesses that want a single codebase, and high performance in a particular operating system environment.
Web Applications for Mobile Devices
The web application approach allows users to access and engage with an app on a mobile device using a web browser. This approach allows access without a user or consumer having to actually download the application onto their device. The technology used for these apps may include HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Ruby or one of a number of other programming languages. This approach may be appropriate when a business wants to provide easy access via multiple types of devices without the cost and time to create a mobile application that will operate in a native environment or as a hybrid mobile app that is accessible via app stores. Web applications for mobile devices use less hardware resources, i.e., RAM and storage, and are suitable for mobile applications that must be deployed quickly and efficiently, or wish to include integration of third-party functionality, and for those businesses that do not want to engage in testing with app stores and/or have a limited budget.
Whether you decide on a web approach to mobile application development, a cross-platform mobile application, hybrid mobile app approach or a native app approach for iPhone, iPad, Smart Watch or Android, you need to engage an IT consulting partner to help you conceive and develop your mobile application. For more information about mobile application development, visit our Blog.