Amazon is partnering up with Paizo, a tabletop RPG company in hopes of bringing their RPG game Starfinder to devices that have Alexa.
The pilot episode and the first three ones are now available to play. To start, you can say ‘Alexa, play the Starfinder game’ and it will start. The fourth, fifth and sixth episodes are set to be released in October this year.
Starfinder’s voice actors include Laura Bailey, Nathan Fillion and 11 others. Amazon claims that the interactive game takes around 13 hours in its entirely and is comprised of a 745-page script and more than a hundred studio hours.
Amazon’s voice assistant Alexa has been in recent demand, with most of the US population staying or working from home. It shares an upward trend with the gaming industry and continues to grow in recent months.
Starfinder is a sci-fi tabletop game released in 2017 and has received high reviews on its pilot episodes on Alexa devices.