Most e-commerce websites like Amazon take credit card payments for shopper’s convenience. If you’ve ever bought a product online, you’ll know that there’s a process where you need to fill up a page to have it delivered to your doorstep.
Right at the end of the credit card number and expiration date is the CVV, a special 3 or 4 digit code. What is it, and how does it make your online transactions more secure?
The CVV Code
CVV means card verification value and can usually be found only in your physical credit card. It’s there to protect you from fraud and needed in order to verify that you’re the card holder.
Merchants will need to get the CVV to finalize the transaction and to make sure the charge is legitimate. The CVV code can be found at the front for American Express, while Discover, Mastercard and Visa have it on the back and right next to the signature field.
Why is a CVV Number Needed?
As a general rule for e-commerce merchants, they store their customer’s credit card information so that they can make a purchase next time and won’t need to enter it again.
However, malicious entities may want to hack into the merchant’s database and steal their customer’s financial data. Credit card companies then came up with a way to prevent this by creating the CVV.
Although your credit card number and expiry date can be stored, merchants are not allowed to store the CVV, so they ask for it every time you make a purchase. Alternately, you can choose to do business with a cvv shop for an added layer of protection.
Staying Safe in Today’s World
A cvv shop can generate cvvs and ccs for bill payment, carding and more. You can get them and not compromise your own financial data on the internet.